Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight; Here one Day, Gone one Night; Like A Sunset Dying With The Rising Of The Moon;
Gone Too Soon"

This apart from Anime, but i pay my respects to a man that open the hearts of Many, 1958-2009, In loving memory of Michael Jackson.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Canaan Review

Studio: PA Works
Premiere Date: 7/4/09
Genre: Action/Mystery

Some shows just need some extra time to get going…

The Story

In the first couple of episodes of Canaan, the setting opens in a very rowdy Shanghai where a local festival is taking place. Within the city a war is being fought all around the residents without anyone really giving it much thought. Living in the city is an assassin named Canaan who is fighting against a terrorist organization called the Snakes while waiting for the target of her own personal vendetta to resurface.

Arriving to the city is a journalist, Minoru, after his next big scoop and his impossibly perky and cheerful rookie photographer, Maria. Upon arriving in the city, the two get wrapped up in a very strange situation. People in the city are dying right in front of crowds but no one notices, gun fights between Canaan and the Snakes occur on a regular basis but no one cares. When the Snakes start to go after Maria and Minoru for seeing things that they shouldn’t, more information comes to the surface and more characters begin to be pulled into the conspiracy.

Good and the Bad

Within moments of beginning, Canaan treads into very dangerous waters for a new series. With an opening sequence that is filled from start to finish with daring acrobatics, gun fights and action; Canaan goes out its way to build exceedingly high expectations from its audience. In other cases a series might be cursing itself right away for raising the bar so high but Canaan manages to spend the first two episodes living up to every single expectation they create.


Canaan does an incredibly good job of keeping things moving while giving the audience just enough to dig their nails into. While no one watching this series for the first time can predict exactly where the story is going, PA Works does a good job of making sure you’re at least entertained while trying to figure it out. This is a series that many fans are going to start but not everyone is going to finish. If Canaan plans to keep this trend of cliffhangers up, the only way to sustain is to grow. With the height that Canaan begins the series at though, just how big can they make this story?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Psyren - one of the best shounens.

Story: It has almost no connection to the beginning, but is very strong and interesting. How is the future changed, a little more about parallel worlds, about reality. And a little more common, than what it used to be. However, the time line is very good, everything falls in place perfectly. And follows the cause-reaction pattern, witch is very rare these days . I really like psyren and i would recommend it to anyone.

Story: Psyren's story isn't exactly the most original of sorts. I'm sure that if you've read Gantz, you wouldn't like Psyren (unless you prefer Shounen over Seinen). Psyren is about your typical, cocky, rebel, Yoshina, who wants to change the world. Rumors start going around about this weird world called Psyren, and people start disappearing if they find the Psyren calling card. As you might have guessed, Yoshina gets a Psyren card and gets transported to Psyren, a world in which they have to fight monsters to survive. After overcoming whatever obstacle awaits inside Psyren, they have to place their Psyren card inside a phone booth to get themselves transported to their own world. Like Gantz, they can be free from going back between worlds if they use up all of their points on their calling card (they get points for successfully completing a level/mission/whatever you wanna call it). It is so similar to Gantz that it is almost scary. Like in Gantz where they get a super-suit when they get transported to the new world, in Psyren they get a power called Psi. Aforementioned, the story isn't the most original one, but it can still be interesting enough to hold the reader's attention. Also, it is a weekly release so if you enjoy it, you won't have to wait so long for new chapters.

Art: The art isn't bad. Sometimes it can be a bit confusing as to what is going on, but it is pretty much straightforward like most Shounen manga. (or at least most that I've read)

Character: Development isn't that great. We do get a brief background on some characters, but not in-depth descriptions. There will most likely be more background stuff later on (hopefully). The characters can be like able as well. You've got the average main group...2 guys and a girl...the cocky, "I can't lose" guy, the smart and strong girl, and the strong, but softy guy.

Enjoyment: Well, my enjoyment for this manga is pretty good. Sometimes it can be a bit slow, but at other times it is quite an enjoyable manga to read. Overall, Psyren may look like a Shounen remake of the Seinen manga Gantz, but it is still a decent manga that is worth giving a shot.

Shugo Chara

Amu Hinamori is a student at Seiyo Elementary, where she has a reputation for being "cool and spicy"; however, her real personality is that of an extremely shy and easily intimidated girl. One night Amu makes a wish that she would have the courage to be reborn as her "would-be" self. The next morning Amu finds three brightly colored eggs—red, blue, and green—in her bed. Each egg eventually hatches into a Guardian Character: Ran, Miki, and Su. Guardian Characters are angel-like beings that aid a person into becoming their "would-be" selves and fulfill the person's dreams. The Guardian Characters accomplish this by giving encouragement and advice, but they can also temporarily change a person's personality and abilities. With the Guardian Characters, Amu's life becomes much more complex as she now struggles to deal with her new personalities and the Seiyo Elementary Guardians—a student council group where each member has their own Guardian Character—who recruits Amu to search for and seal the X eggs and X Characters, corrupted forms of people's dreams.

The Mahou Shoujo genre is all too often populated with casts of sweet, brightly animated lolis who are surrounded by perverted adults and magical animals. Couple this together with overly long and usually indecent (given the ages of the characters) transformation scenes and stupid inane plots that make watching children's programming with your kids seem smart by comparison. Shugo Chara! takes those stereotypes and blows them up completely, and leaves us with one of the most wonderful and enjoyable anime experiences ever.

I found this series to be a breath of fresh air. While the premise of the story is nothing that we haven’t seen before, it just feels like an original idea. The plot is very much typical of a Mahou Shoujo series. If you’ve seen a series such as Sailor Moon, then you’re going to find a lot of similarities. Our heroine, Amu Hinamori, finds herself thrust into a magical world she never realized was around her until she wakes up one morning with three eggs in her bed. These eggs soon hatch revealing her Shugo Chara, or Guardian Characters. We soon find out that everyone has these eggs in their hearts as a representation of their hopes and dreams for the future. Amu becomes friends with others who have guardian characters and begins to battle against the evil organization called Easter, to protect everyone’s heart egg and find the mysterious one known as the embryo.

The story moves along nicely early on, introducing us to the world and the characters while explaining origins and back story. There is a lot of pretty good magical action and surprises along the way. What was maybe the most surprising to me was the depth of the romance and relationships part of the story. Considering the ages of the characters, I was not initially all that optimistic about a story that myself, a twenty-something adult could relate that much to. But I was surprised to find Amu to be a very complex character with a lot of emotional depth. She grows tremendously as a character from the beginning to the end of this season.

However, Shugo Chara! is not without its faults. One of the most glaring is the number of recap episodes throughout the series. I never have understood the necessity to devote an entire episode towards a recap in this day and age. In the age of DVRs, internet streaming, and downloading, the necessity to have recaps for new viewers seems like a waste of time to me. The other major issue was that there was a lot of what I would term "filler" episodes. Stories that did nothing to advance the overall plot in anyway. For filler they were not bad stories and a lot of them did serve to let us get to know the series huge cast. But really the most annoying was the amount of it after the main plotline from the second half was concluded. It felt a bit anti-climatic and was disappointing to have to sit through 7-8 episodes before the season finally concluded with something involving the main storyline.

The cast for Shugo Chara is enormous. Normally I would say this is a major drawback but in this case it really wasn’t. The key to the whole series is Amu and her guardians. For me, Amu has already moved into my favorite anime characters of all time. She is someone I think every girl (and boys too I think) will find something to relate to themselves. I think her internal insecurities and her outside persona and the struggle to be accepted by society yet still be true to yourself is something that will resonate with viewers. Her conflicted heart over her romantic feelings for various boys and her own lack of confidence over her own "true self" I believe will also strike a nerve. In a lot of ways I think she is the most "real" anime character I’ve ever seen.

There are simply too many other characters to cover in detail with the scope of this review. Amu's guardians Ran, Miki, and Su are adorable and lovable aspects of her personality. The same could be said for all of the other guardian characters and their relationships with their owners. The most important and interesting of the supporting cast is Ikuto. I see him as a Tuxedo Mask type character from Sailor Moon. He comes to Amu's rescue when she needs it but isn’t necessarily on her side. His intentions remain obscure for the entire season so we will have to wait to find the answers to that. The rest of the cast, while enjoyable, is far more stereotypical and shallow. You’re bound to have a few favorites from them and even the villains, but this is a story about Amu.

The artwork and animation is outstanding. I absolutely loved the character designs and styling. I felt it was a very fresh look. The backgrounds and settings are a bit over the top at times but beautifully drawn. The guardian characters are completely adorable and are a certainty to steal your heart away. The various magical transformations, even in their full form are reasonably short and devoid of pedo fan service. This was possibly the most refreshing aspect of the whole show. The music is equally brilliant. The various opening and ending themes were catchy tunes that captured the spirit and essence of the show.

My enjoyment of this series was really off the charts. I really wanted to give this show a perfect score but the way the story drags on with little happening towards the end hurts its overall score. If you’re even have a passing interest in Mahou Shoujo stories, then Shugo Chara! has to be at the top of your watch list. For everyone else, your mileage may vary but I think your seriously missing out if you don’t give this show a try.

Amv For Shugo Chara Enjoy:

Sora no Woto

A long war brings a gradual decline to the world. People disappear from towns, and fish cease to exist in the sea. In a town called Seize five girls guard a fortress and play brass vividly.

Beautiful art, a decorative town with a deep history, a young, eager girl and don't forget some soothing, wonderful music. Sora no Woto is a show that tries to do a lot at once. It isn't just a movables show, and it's not just about fighting. It looks like a regular World War II setting at first, but as you continue to watch you learn it's actually a future setting, where life is scarce, systems of writing and music have been forgotten, and the resulting setting is a mash up of many, many cultures, probably at this point, indistinguishable from one another to the characters. Over all i know for a fact that this suitable anime to watch for all ages, i like it and i hope you will too!

Sora no Woto Amv: Enjoy!

Tokyo Manjin Gakuen

One other Anime i really like is Tokyo manjin Gakuen it was more than Epic lol =]

Something evil is stirring within the shadows of Tokyo...

During the spring of his senior year in high school, quiet Tatsuma Hiyuu transfers to Magami Academy in Shinjuku. The mysterious boy's "outsider" status and his profound skills in martial arts quickly earn him the friendship of class delinquent Houraiji Kyouichi. Through an uncanny connection and a happenstance challenge, he also meets Yuuya Daigo of the wrestling club, the captain of the girls' archery club, Komaki Sakurai, and Aoi Misato, the Student Council President.

During their encounter, there is a sudden, harsh disruption of the Ryumyaku (literally Dragon Pulse, otherwise known as Dragon Vein or the Dragon Stream), the flow of arcane energy. The surge awakens within the five teenagers a latent power, giving them each a supernatural ability. Enlightened to their newly acquired gifts by Hisui, the young heir of the Kisaragi Clan who maintains his family's antiques shop - as well as their duty to protect Tokyo from Oni (demons) - the Magami students decide to use their power to protect the city from the onslaught of dark forces.

Battling the demons alongside Hisui Kisaragi, the five unlikely friends discover that they may have to face a greater threat to Tokyo other than destroying a few malevolent, random monsters. The Ryumyaku had been disrupted by force, from someone invoking the Dark Arts - and that person has a wicked desire to unleash a long-dead evil.

Can the teenagers overcome their own fears and flaws to fight against the Dark Arts? And soon they will also have to face their own destinies as they discover their Stars of Fate.

This anime is based on a manga, which itself was based on the Nintendo role-playing video game originally released in 1998.

Review: The one thing that made me watch this Anime was it's genre; I just needed to see for myself whether this was really such a badass action Anime.

It starts out weird, with monsters and them beating it up. The Animations seems to be ok. That was until I saw something that changed my whole perspective of this Anime. But more about that later, I'll discuss the story and characters first.

The story revolves about a group of youngsters. Each one of them having their respected influence, as they all have different strengths, weaknesses, powers and personalities.

It seems to be a pretty cool cast. You have the silent boy no one really knows about, the strong and fierce delinquent, the protective girl with healing powers, etc. They're fighting to kill weird monsters they call "oni". There is also a storyline to this all. I can't say this Anime gave me much to complaint about (yet). It seems like you've jumped right into a game, that together with your party.

There are of course also minor negative things about this Anime. One of them being that whenever there is an action scene, it ends pretty quickly. But it are only minor things, nothing to worry about. Talking about the action, I think it's time to tell you whether the Action is really as great as I expected.

The action is what made my perspective of this Anime that different. It wasn't just "beating up monsters" any more. The amazing thing about this Anime is in fact.. the action. I've seen my parts of action Anime already, but this one was different. Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou Tou has really cool action. You see all kind of different fighting styles used for fighting monsters; not just monsters, also other people with a sort of "super power". I remember seeing one guy having the ability to use lightning. Using a large pole-arm or sort, it blows away the enemy's with his speed and power; it's still lightning of course, imagine how badass that'd be.

I've been trying to think of a negative part for a while now. But there really aren't many. If you think that the monsters are actually one of this Anime' weak points; than you are wrong. I have to agree that the zombie like creatures look like they've escaped straight from Resident Evil. But no, they didn't, neither do they bother you when viewing the Anime. Not to mention that the zombie'-like creatures aren't of a big importance in the Anime.

In fact, they don't have that big a role. The ones using and making these Zombie's are the ones controlling them. Those controllers are the ones playing a big role in the Anime, neither are they as bad in looks as the Zombie's, they look pretty cool. If you mix up a cool looking cast; mixed together with cool fighting scenes. Just what else can you wish for in an action Anime?

The story continues with a second season, and after that there might even be a third and/or fourth season. So isn't it a waste to watch an Anime who will grow to have over 30 episodes?

Uh, no. It's not even close to being a waste. I really enjoyed this Anime, and I think you will too.
It's not the "best" Anime out there. In many ways it's just an average Anime. But the fighting scenes (when they fight), are awesome.
So this could be considered a recommendation.

Here's an Amv for Tokyo Manjin Enjoy!

Manga Reviews- Gamaran


"Middle Edo Period -- One state becomes the gathering place for sinful martial artists, who believ in nothing other than power, know of no other way of life other than letting oneself go wild in the battle. That state is the Unabara State, the "Haunt of Demons" . . ."

Washitzu Naosata, the ruler of the powerful state, Unabara, is looking for his successor. He calls upons all his 31 sons, and tell them to search for whoever they believe to be the strongest martial artist of all. Each of their chosen martial artists then are to fight against each other until only one is left standing. Whoever is the winner, whoever has the strongest martial artist in nation by his side will become his successor . . .

Out in the midst of the mountain is the doujo of the "Daigame Ryuu" (Giant Tortoise Style). There lives Kurogane Gama, the son of the legendary swordsman, Kurogane Jinsuke, who is believed to be able to kill 1000 martial artists in Unabara. There, one of the son of Washitzu Naosata, Washitzu Naoshi, comes in search of the legendary swordsman, only to find that he had gone missing several years ago. After seeing the battle style of Gama, he instead chooses to ask Gama to come with him. Wanting to become stronger, Gama agrees to his offer, and that marks the beginning of Gama's battle to become the strongest of all.

Review The story is quite original, a martial arts competition where fighting styles are pitted against each other to find out which style reigns supreme. The art however, is not something to be bragged about. The faces are quite similar and emotions could use some working on. The characters however, are very original and suggest that the author should change the art to enhance the enjoyment of the storyline. The enjoyment was okay, but felt that it could make a bigger impact. I would reccommend this manga to anyone because i it is very good, just check it out you will like it!

Here's a preview of the gamaran Manga.